Friday 27 May 2011

Still in Hervey Bay

We're still in Hervey Bay.

We've finally tied up all the loose ends we had to but it's hard to leave, we're having a really good time. We should be heading out next week though after a quick trip to fraser island.

We managed to head out to round island on our inflatable kyaks which is around a 2km paddle out from the beach. While out there we found a big community of kingfisher birds nesting, and a baby sea snake heading into the water which was cool.
It was a long paddle for an inflatable kyak, and a bit disconcerting with all the sharks in the area. (Although our inflatable kyaks actually have a protective layer of canvas over them so we should have been fine anyway in that event).

Here's the baby sea snake.

After that we decided to head over to the nearby shark museum run by a shark fisherman from Brisbane called Vic Hislop. He's caused a pretty big stir due to his anti-shark sentiments, he wants all the large sharks dead pretty much and he's outraged by the ban on killing great whites (Plastered all over his walls).
We had a very educational day, we learned a lot of things from Vic, such as; that there are actually still prehistoric great whites out there at great depths which won't come into shallow water because there isn't large enough food for them there.
And we watched an educational movie about why whales beach themselves. (I'll give you a hint, the answer is sharks). That one wasn't so bad actually, I can imagine whales might beach themselves sometimes because they are being harassed by sharks.
We also got to see a bunch of frozen sharks, he had a huge great white frozen, which was a pretty scary looking creature.

Here's a picture of the inside of a real frozen great white's mouth

I can't understand why Vic is hell bent on killing every shark in the sea. He does meet the families of all the shark attack victims while trying to catch the sharks, which might explain some of his hatred.
Like a lot of unhealthy vendetta's though, Vic has religious grounds for his attempt at eradicating an entire species of animal. I'm pretty sure Vic is of the opinion that sharks were not created by god, and instead were created by the devil to plague mankind, and he is the holy man who has to set things right.
This isn't plastered around his museum, but doing a bit of research and reading a poem on his wall about sharks being the devil has put me to this conclusion. I'm pretty sure he's a pretty hardcore christian. with some unusual views..

There should be an I.Q test people have to sit before they can become involved with a religion, otherwise stupid people are gonna do things like Vic is trying here, or the plenty of worse things that have already happened.
Not that I would complain if there were no man eaters left in the ocean, I'd feel a lot safer swimming, but I think speciocide is a bit extreme

Here's a real picture taken by a photographer while his friend had both his legs bitten off by a great white. The guy who took the photo managed to get his friend on the boat and managed stop the bleeding by tourniquetting with some rope and saved his life radioing an ambulance to come in with fresh blood when he got back to the boat ramp. That was pretty impressive.

On that note Boris and I also went scuba diving off the pier again in the murkiest water imaginable, it was so bad you couldn't see further than a meter away. We didn't stay in very long and I couldn't get any good photos because of the murk. I almost knelt on a stonefish too in the murk, it was pretty camouflaged.
Here's a school of baby striped catfish who came up close in the murk right next to where the stonefish was sitting.

And here's a photo of one of the local residences "Asbestos Manor"

This house is all yellow, I couldn't fit everything in in the photo but everything is that yellow, even the water meter, it really stands out. It's been painted that way as a testament against the local council... I think half the population of Hervey bay are crazy.

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